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Laser Therapy

Laser therapy offers a wide range of aesthetic treatments uniquely designed to address today’s most common concerns. I pride myself in providing safe yet result driven treatment from result driven technologies. After extensive research I chose Cutera excel HR, the no.1 premium laser equipment in the USA. This remarkable laser provides safe and effective treatments for patients of all skin types.

Cutera exel HR is precise, versatile and a proven and customised solution for:

  • Hair removal for face and body – comfortable and effective for all skin types
  • Laser genesis non- abrasive non-invasive skin rejuvenation solution for ageing skin
  • Most vascular conditions of face and body from broken capillaries
  • Treatment of veins and unwanted pigmentation for all skin types

Laser Hair Removal

Experience irresistibly smooth touchable hair free skin!

Excel HR utilises YAG and Alexandrite laser technology and offers safe and effective hair removal for all skin tones.
The excel HR treatment purpose is to selectively target the hair follicle without causing thermal damage to surrounding tissue.
The technology delivers consistent and sustained energy with each pulse, providing efficient, effective hair removal treatments for women and men of all skin types – even those with tanned skin. Treatments are quick, safe, non-invasive and the gentle laser with sapphire contact cooling provides continuous cooling maximising your comfort throughout the treatment.
Your journey to a permanent hair free skin will start with a free consultation and patch test to ensure you are compatible for treatment. At this stage we will also address any questions you may have.


  • Suitable for almost all areas of the body – including the face
  • You’ll never have to shave or wax again, saving time and money!
  • Wear what you want, when you want. No need to worry about regrowth
  • The laser treatment is suitable for both men and women
  • No razor bumps or ingrown hairs
  • Safe and highly effective treatment
  • Fast and convenient treatment times
  • Comfortable, pain free and no downtime

The total number varies based on the area treated. Typically 5-6 treatments spaced 6-8 weeks apart is recommended. Laser hair removal requires multiple treatments because hair grows at different phases. Is necessary to repeat the treatments at the recommended interval to achieve the best result.

Due to its superior technology and treatment safety, results are achievable on all skin and hair types; dark or light, fine or coarse.
Commonly treated areas include underarms, legs, arms, bikini area and men’s chest and back . It can also be used to remove unwanted hair on the face. The laser targets the dark pigment present in some hairs but is not so effective on blonde, white or grey hair.

The area being treated is shaven 24 hours prior to arrival. Avoid glycolic acid and vitamin A for 3 days prior to your treatment. Do not wax, tweeze or bleach the hairs; the laser targets the root of the hair and any waxing/plucking will temporarily remove the root making treatment ineffective. Avoiding sun exposure for six weeks before and after your treatment is recommended, sun exposure will not only make the laser treatment less effective – it can increase your chances of experiencing any complications after your treatment. Consultation and patch tests prior to your treatment will be carried out.

There are a number of actions to take after your laser hair removal treatment:

  • Do not expose the areas to sunlight for 1 week and wear sunscreen of SPF30 for 6 weeks afterwards
  • Avoid hot baths, showers, saunas and excessive exercise for 2 days
  • Avoid glycolic acid products and vitamin A products for 5 days
  • Apply a cold compress if necessary
  • Apply clear aloe gel if necessary to the treatment area
  • Aftercare leaflet will be provided for you at the time of consultation with all necessary pre and post treatment advice

Aftercare is vital, and ignoring the above can result in complications. I will support you at every stage of your treatment journey.

Laser Genesis Skin Rejuvenation

Achieve beautiful brilliant skin

Laser Genesis is a breakthrough non-ablative, non-invasive laser treatment that stimulates skin’s natural processes to reverse the sign of ageing and sun damage.
This is the ideal treatment to gently improve your overall complexion with no-downtime or recovery, making it your perfect lunchtime result driven treatment.
The Genesis is suitable for all skin types. It uses a 1064 Nd:Yag laser to deliver low pulsed energy that stimulates collagen renewal for a tighter skin, improve fine lines, and replace discoloured skin with a beautiful brilliant clear complexion.


Laser Genesis is ideal for treatment of the face and neck and other areas of the body with concerns or signs of ageing.

Acne and Uneven Skin:
The laser’s heat kills active acne bacteria.
Stimulation of collagen helps to smooth the skin’s texture. This improves scarring and also helps to eliminate active acne and breakouts. Genesis also minimises the appearance of enlarged pores – especially in the T-zone area.
Rosacea and broken capillaries are calmed and this helps to even out the skin tone.

Micro-pulses of laser energy activate collagen, remodelling to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It targets unwanted brown spots and facial redness. Although the individual treatment results are subtle, the overall effect of a treatment series can be quite dramatic.

A series of 4-6 Laser genesis treatments are recommended, carried out at 1 month intervals for optimal results. Ongoing maintenance treatments are encouraged to sustain results over time and results will continue to improve for months after the last treatment.

There is no pain associated with Laser Genesis. You will experience a gentle warming of your skin’s surface during the procedure. Patients often describe the treatment as relaxing and therapeutic.

Because the laser genesis procedure is non-invasive, you may notice a slight redness which will resolve within a few hours. Since there is no-downtime, you can apply sunscreen and makeup, and return to your normal daily activities immediately.

If you have been seeking a quick, no-downtime procedure to gently improve your overall complexion that gives you a beautiful, confident appearance, then Laser Genesis is the treatment for you!

Vascular & Pigment Removal

The Cutera Excel difference.

Cutera Excel is a safe and effective laser that targets the primary signs of ageing and photo-damage including unwanted pigmentation, redness and veins on the face and body. This technology combines two clinically proven laser wavelengths with flexible parameters to deliver superior vein and pigment removal.

It treats a broad range of vessels from tiny spider veins to deep blue reticular veins quickly providing a safe, effective and comfortable treatment for men and women. Patients with dark, light or tanned skin can experience outstanding results with minimal bruising or blistering.


The Cutera Excel system delivers laser light pulses of energy which are converted into heat energy and absorbed only by the cells containing excessive pigment, or by veins. This causes effective destruction while leaving the surrounding tissue undamaged.

Most patients find that one or two treatments are sufficient. However, the number of treatments necessary vary based on your concern, colour, and the size of the vessels or pigmentation being treated. A customised treatment plan will be discussed during your consultation.

Most patients can feel similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin. The treatment is well tolerated and the discomfort is minimal to nonexistent. To enhance comfort and safety, a sapphire contact cooling will be in contact with the skin throughout the treatment.

Although many patients report few if any side effects and typically patients can return to normal activities immediately following the treatment, there can be some minor side effects. Most commonly noticed are slight reddening and local swelling of the skin, however it will resolve within 24h. Some patients may experience bruising and, in rare instances, blistering may occur. All possible side effects will be covered and explained during the consultation. Treated pigmentation and brown spots will darken following the treatment and slough off within 3-6 days.

Most patients require only one to two treatment sessions. We find that the majority of the treated veins have shown significant improvement within 2 to 6 weeks of treatment. However, your final results may not be apparent for several months. Over time it is possible for new veins to appear, but these too can be removed with the Cutera Excel. Treated pigmentation and brown spots will darken following the treatment and slough off within 3-6 days.
*Individual results may vary

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